Together we work as missionaries under the umbrella of Youth With A Mission but specifically with Circuit Riders a branch of YWAM. For the last 6 years we have been giving leadership to Circuit Riders. Our skill sets have allowed us to not only serve our movement but to help guide and grow others. Our primary passion is winning the lost, developing projects and leaders for multiplied impact and seeing the next generation unleashed in creativity, power and effectiveness in the mission of Jesus.

  1. Circuit Riders

Circuit Riders is a youth movement focused on saving the lost, reviving the saved and training them all. Emily and I help give leadership to our community here in Huntington Beach, California. Check out our latest school Circuit Rider Experience.

2. The Send

THE SEND is a collaborative stadium gathering movement focused on activating the every-believer to be a missionary whether to their neighbors or the nations. Our first gathering in Orlando was incredible. Check out what happened below. Our next gathering is Brazil, then Argentina and finally next October in Kansas City.

3. Carry The Love

Carry The Love is a Circuit Rider High School and University Tour every Spring where we sees 1,000’s make commitments to Jesus and 10,000’s students activated to reach their friends with the Gospel. Nick and I help found Carry The Love five years ago and still help lead it to this day.

4. Brave Love